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Dolomite (Mgo)

Spesification :

  • Available : Granule

  • Granule : 2-4mm/ 2-5mm

  • Packing : PP PE 10 Kg/ 20 Kg/ 25 Kg/ 50 Kg

  • Jumbo Bag : 500 Kg/ 1000 Kg/ 1250 Kg

  • Color : White

Dolomite Fertilizer is best used to neutralize soil acidity and as a source of magnesium. Soil tends to be acidic due to the use of a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer unless soil conditioner is used.

The use of Dolomite for agriculture turns the soil from acidic plants into almost neutral, by maximizing the availability of plant nutrients and reducing aluminum or manganese toxicity, thereby increasing soil microbial activity and improving soil structure.

You can add dolomite to your yard, flower beds and vegetable gardens. Any time there's no frost or freezing temperatures, but it's best to add it in spring or fall. Pick a day when no rain is predicted so it won't wash off the soil before being absorbed. With vegetables, adding the dolomite before you plant gives the seeds an extra boost, then you can add more as necessary as the plants are growing.

Benefits of dolomite :

  • Correcting soil acidity to match required neutralize substances - which poison the soil, the plants, when the substance is excessive as an agent (aluminum), Fe (iron), Cu (copper)

  • Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of absorption in the soil, both derived from organic materials and the provision of other fertilizers

  • Maintaining the level of availability of micro nutrients needed by plants. This means that with Calcium (CaO) and magnesium (MgO) is quite sufficient elements micropul

  • Make root seedlings free to move nutrients from the soil

  • Activators of various types of plant enzymes, stimulating the formation of fatty compounds and oils, and carbohydrates

  • Assist translocation of starch and distribution of phosphorus in the body plant

  • Forming elements leaf color (chlorophyll), so as to create the perfect green leaves

Application :

If you 're adding it to an empty garden where you plan to plant flowers, turn it into the top 6 inches of the soil before you plant. To change the soil's pH, determine how much you need and spread it on top of the soil. For example, if your soil has a pH of 5.5 and you want to raise it to closer to 6.5, add 10 pounds of dolomite per 100 square feet of space - that would be equivalent to a 10-by-10-foot bed or a 5-by-20-foot bed. To prevent burning existing plants, spread the applications out throughout the growing season.

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